Specialist Breeder Program

In addition to the standard BAP program, members who participate are automatically included in the Specialist Breeder Program (SBP). This program is designed to recognize members who have taken a special interest in a specific class of fish and have bred a large number of fish from that class. These members may be viewed as having an expertise in that particular field of aquatic husbandry. 


SBP Awards: 

Awards will be presented at the annual banquet and will be in the form of a certificate and a goody bag of various aquarium products. 


SBP Rules and Class Requirements: 

  • The rules for participation are the same as for the standard BAP with the following exceptions; 
  • Each qualifying spawn submitted generates 1 point towards that class regardless of difficulty. 
  • Species may only be counted once (e.g. White Calvus and Black Calvus are only counted as one spawning, Tiger Barbs and Green Tiger Barbs as one spawning.) 

SPB Class Requirements: 

  • Each column displays the number of species required to spawn to achieve that level. 


Category  Specialist  Senior Specialist  Master  Grand Master 
African Cichlids (AFC)  10  25  50  100 
Anabantoids (ANA)  5  10  15  20 
Barbs (BAR)  4  8  12  16 
Brackish Marine (BRM)  2  4  8  12 
Catfish (CAT)  5  10  15  20 
Characins (CHA)  5  10  20  40 
Invertebrates  3  6  12  18 
Livebearer (LIV)  10  25  50  100 
Minnows (MIN)  3  6  12  18 
Mop Spawn Killie (MSK)  10  25  50  100 
Other (OTH)  4  8  12  16 
Other Cyprinids  4  8  16  24 
Rainbows (RNB)  5  10  15  20 
Rasboras (RAS)  1  2  4  6 
S. American Cichlids (SAC)  10  20  40  80 
Shark/Botia/Loach (SBL)  1  2  4  6 
Soil Spawn Killie (SSK)  5  10  20  40